3 September 2010

Another one for my MUM

Since my mum is one of the most amazing people in my life, I thought I would keep ranting about her a wee more! Similar to the ‘blue hippie-top story’, there is another item of my mum’s which I absolutely love. If you have read my previous posts, you may have noticed my slight obsession for ponchos and floaty tops.

Mumsie got this lovely dark red knitted poncho maybe eight years ago. It’s perfect in the spring and autumn, and looks ace with a brown or black skirt, tights and high leather boots. My parents try to visit me and my little sister in UK at least twice a year, and they always brings us fun treats. Around two-three years ago, my mum said – I think you’ll like this present Maja! She opened the bag, and there it was; the lovely poncho! My mum is truly amazing and has an ace fashion sense! Looking forward to see what interesting things I can find in her wardrobe this time!